Pastoral Theology
The Mind, the Heart and the Way of Salvation
Archimandrite Meletios Webber
31 December 2016
The Expulsion of Adam and Eve
You’ve got to get out of your head and into...
A Tree Full of Monkeys
Fr. John Garvey
24 December 2016
Moses taking of fhis sandals
In the earliest years of Christian teaching,...
The Use of the Internet in the Pastoral Practice of the Church
Sister Sara
14 December 2016
Communicating via the Internet
The manner of expression of the Internet is...
Motherhood as imitation of the selfless love of Christ
Protopresbyter Vasileios Kalliakmanis, Professor of the Theological School, A.U.Th.
5 December 2016
The truth of the Church regarding the equivalent position of women and men ...
Equality between women and men in the Church
Protopresbyter Vasileios Kalliakmanis, Professor of the Theological School, A.U.Th.
28 November 2016
Let’s examine how women have been treated in Orthodox theology. It’s well k...
Good grounding and large families: two great gifts in the Church
Protopresbyter Vasileios Kalliakmanis, Professor of the Theological School, A.U.Th.
14 November 2016
The prayers at a wedding make reference to providing children with a good u...
St. Basil the Great and Christian Philanthropy
John G. Panagiotou
12 November 2016
Many things are said and written about the great Cappodocian Father of the ...
What is or Who is truth?
Dr. Nikolaos Koios, Content Coach of Pemptousia
19 October 2016
The question ‘What is truth?’ would be better posed as ‘Who is truth?’. And...
Admitting Ignorance
Fr. John Garvey
10 October 2016
Brueghel’s Landscape with the Fall of Icarus
Believers are often challeng...
Sermon on the Cross
Metropolitan Anthony Bloom †
18 September 2016
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. We have been keepin...