Waiting for seven hours to worship the Holy Belt in Moscow

22 November 2011

Aimilios Polygenis, Moscow

‘I am waiting here for more than six hours, but it doesn’t bother me since I will receive the blessing by the Holy Belt’ told Romfea.gr a father who was queuing up with a three month old boy in his arms.

According to the police, the line outside the Moscow Cathedral up to a while ago (3.40 Moscow time) was more than five Km long.

Young men and women, old ladies, mothers with children in their arms have been waiting for more than seven hours to worship, in temperatures touching -4C. Abbot Efraim talked to some of the people lining up to bless them and strengthen their resolve. When he asked them how long they had been waiting to enter the church, they had replied: ‘Seven hours, Elder. Please give us your blessing’.

It is worth mentioning that the arrival of the Holy Belt in Moscow has made the front pages in the newspapers and was the leading item in all TV bulletins during the last few days.( See the front page of ‘Moscow Times’).

Source: Romfea.gr
Translated from the Greek by: Olga Konari Kokkinou
