Science and Orthodoxy around the World – A Documentary Film

If we accept that God is faith and science is knowledge, is there a point where these two converge? Many have spoken of a dialogue between science and faith. What could Orthodox Christianity bring to this discussion? And most importantly, what would the basis of such a dialogue be? The documentary discusses issues about the relationship between science and religion from an Orthodox Christian perspective.

Filmed for Project “Science and Orthodoxy around the World”, of the Institute of Historical Research of the National Hellenic Research Foundation (Athens, Greece), and funded by the Templeton World Charity Foundation Inc., 2016-2019.

Film Director: Christos Panagos
Script: Nikos Livanos, Evdoxie Delli, Christos Panagos
Production: National Hellenic Research Foundation & IndigoFlicks

Appearances (in alphabetical order):
Stylianos Antonarakis, Human Geneticist
Michel Blay, Science Historian and Philosopher
†Fr Jean Boboc, M.D., Theologian, Bioethics specialist
John Hedley Brooke, Science Historian
Revd Ioan Chirilă, Theologian
Revd Doru Costache, Theologian
Revd Eirinaios Delidimos, Theologian
Revd François Euvé, Theologian
Peter Harrison, Historian
H. Em. Ignatios, Metropolitan of Demetrias and Almyros
Revd Răzvan Ionescu, Biomedical Engineer, Theologian
Revd Christopher Knight, Astrophysicist, Theologian
Revd Kirill Kopeikin, Physicist – Theologian
Konstantinos Krimbas, Biologist, Member of Academy of Athens
Alexei Nesteruk, Physicist, Theologian
Basarab Nicolescu, Theoretical Physicist
Ronald Numbers, Science Historian
Aristotle Papanikolaou, Theologian
Charles Taylor, Philosopher
Revd Vasileios Thermos, Psychiatrist-Psychoanalyst
Gayle Woloschak, Biologist, Theologian

The opinions expressed in this film do not necessarily reflect the views of the Templeton World Charity Foundation, Inc.

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