In Love with Excess
20 December 2014
Fr. Chris Metropoulos
Dr. Randa Anderson, a member of the Orthodox Christian Counseling Institute in Chicago, talks Wednesday, 14:00 EST on Pemptousia FM, with Fr. Chris Metropoulos about our infatuation with excess. With insight into our desire to indulge, they also discuss the benefits of prayer, fasting and almsgiving towards our preparation for Christ’s birth. This is sure to inspire you while revealing the true meaning of Christmas. You can find the books Dr. Anderson mentions here:
Seven: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess by Jen Hatmaker
On Living Simply by St. John Chrysostom
And stay tuned as Fr. Chris speaks with Fr. Paul Patitsas who is currently serving in Auckland, New Zealand. Fr. Paul reflects on the challenges of serving in a post-Christian society and the benefits of a media-based ministry like OCN. He also expresses his love for missions and how Archbishop Amphilochios is reaching the native Fijians with the love of Christ and Orthodoxy.
This program is produced in partnership with OCN
The Orthodox Christian Network produces a wide variety of multimedia resources for Orthodox Christians and seekers in three languages: English, Greek, and Spanish. It is an agency of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States. Founded nearly 20 years ago as a radio ministry, it continues to produce “Come Receive the Light,” a weekly radio show, and has expanded into a variety of online offerings: a weekly video newscast, a variety of podcasts, three Internet radio stations, a website and a very popular social media presence, especially on Facebook. OCN strives to work in collaboration with all Orthodox organizations and churches to communicate the message of God’s love in Jesus Christ and to strengthen the Orthodox Church in the digital age.