Priesthood: A Job or a Calling?

10 February 2015
chris metropulos auth

Fr. Chris Metropoulos

What’s the difference between a good person and a Christian? More than you might think.

Our guest Mike Tishel, the ​Director of ​CrossRoad ​Institute and Ass​istant Director of the Office of Vocation ​and Ministry of Hellenic College/Holy Cross in Brookline, MA, speaks with Fr. Chris on this very topic.

Listen as he shares how the CrossRoad Summer Institute helps young adults understand the royal priesthood and the differences between a job and a calling.

The application deadline for​ this year’s​ CrossRoad is March 2, 2015.

This program is produced in partnership with OCN

The Orthodox Christian Network produces a wide variety of multimedia resources for Orthodox Christians and seekers in three languages: English, Greek, and Spanish. It is an agency of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States. Founded nearly 20 years ago as a radio ministry, it continues to produce “Come Receive the Light,” a weekly radio show, and has expanded into a variety of online offerings: a weekly video newscast, a variety of podcasts, three Internet radio stations, a website and a very popular social media presence, especially on Facebook. OCN strives to work in collaboration with all Orthodox organizations and churches to communicate the message of God’s love in Jesus Christ and to strengthen the Orthodox Church in the digital age.
