Network of Orthodox Christian Health Care Providers

5 December 2020

Today, as we live through the terrifying event of the pandemic, which has befallen us, we are called upon to respond to the enduring invitation of the Church to welcome and minister to our suffering brothers and sisters. We are invited to love and serve our fellow human beings. In particular, doctors and other health care providers, inspired by Christian solidarity, are called upon to shoulder the heavy burden and complete the task of the human effort to defend and treat other people all over the world. All such providers in the health sector deserve our warmest congratulations, since they do not merely turn up for work but also serve other people with their highly developed sense of self-denial.

This corona virus pandemic, which has tested the endurance of the human race in every corner of the planet, and is continuing to do so, has found us unprepared, despite our advanced scientific knowledge. The ability to resolve the various problems which arise in society, as well as the continuous process of progress in human knowledge which unfolds depending on the needs and demands of any particular era, art, which serves beauty, and the social and political institutions which are organized to achieve the highest level of cooperation, all form the dynamic axis on which civilizations are built. The existence of the universe, natural phenomena and the whole of creation have impelled us to search for the Creator.

Unlike religions, the Church was not a movement of the human mind towards God, but the revelation of the true God to us people. The fundamental principle of the Orthodox Church is that of the person- the mode of being of God and of ourselves. God is a Trinity of persons with a common essence, though with separate and unique characteristics. Each human person is an image of God and, as such, is separate and unique. Orthodoxy therefore does not marginalize people. It expects and is able to provide the human race with true unity and universality.

The Orthodox Church has favored the development of the sciences and never came into conflict with them, given that their task is to investigate the essence and function of beings, whereas the Orthodox Church offers empirical knowledge of the uncreated God and participation in the divine energies.

The ‘Maxim the Greek’ Institute is called upon at this period to contribute to and assist with, in any way and by any means at its disposal, the support of the task of health service providers, from a medical standpoint. The Church is also required, through its clergy, to engage with pastoral issues, since the clergy are also charged with giving support to the people of God who are being tested by the threat and fear of the pandemic.

Through its activities, the Institute aspires to contribute to the best understanding of the meaning of our life, given that today our social models have become degraded, institutions are under attack and there is an obvious and incontrovertible decline in the quality of life, just at the time when people are desperately attempting to find their identity and their place in the world.

In this context, and as a continuation of the internet medical conferences from Athos, with Abbot Efraim of the Holy and Great Monastery of Vatopaidi, organized by Pemptousia, and also in response to the encouragement of those taking part, a decision has been made to form an International Network of Orthodox Christian Health Care Providers and a Scientific Advisory Committee comprised of members of the Network. The Network, consisting of doctors, nurses and so on, who are also active members of the Church, will be invited, via the Special Committee, to contribute through its activities to the handling of issues as these arise. Specifically, the aim of the International Network and Scientific Advisory Committee will be to investigate, consider and diagnose issues and problems which arise via Medical Scientific Research and the treatment of ailments at the local and global level which affect the psychosomatic entity of people and their existence as images of God.

If you are interested in becoming a member of this International Network, please complete your details in the following application.


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