Him, Jesus Christ

26 April 2022

Jesus Christ was called human, he was called the son of man, he was called the way, he was called a rock…

Why was he called the way? To teach you that we ascend to the Father by him.

Why was he called a rock? To teach you the value and stability of faith.

Why was he called the foundation? To teach you that he supports all things.

Why was he called the root? To teach you that we blossom in him.

Why was he called the shepherd? Because we’re his flock.

Why was he called a sheep? Because he offered himself for our sake and became a sacrificial lamb.

Why was he called life? Because he resurrected us when we were dead.

Why was he called light? Because he brought us out of the darkness.

Why was he called arm? Because he’s of the same substance as the Father.

Why was he called Word? Because he was begotten by the Father. Just as my own word is generated by my soul, so the Son was begotten by the Father.

Why was he called raiment? Because I put him on when I was baptized.

Why was he called table? Because I eat him when I partake of the sacraments.

Why was he called home? Because I dwell within him.

Why was he called tenant? Because we become his temple.

Why was he called head? Because I have become a member of his body.

Why was he called bridegroom? Because he took my soul as his bride.

Why was he called Lord? Because I am his servant.
