Word of Father Zacharias for the Mother of our God

15 August 2024

‘Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honour, especially they who labour in the word and doctrine’ (1 Tim. 5:17). Saint Paul recommends us to honour our Elders and those who ‘labour in the word and doctrine’, because through the wordof God divine grace is imparted to usand renew us.In this perspective, the Mother of God holds a unique place, which no one has ever had or will ever have. Although the Holy Virgin Mariam did not labour ‘in word and teaching’, she gave her whole being in lending her human nature to Christ the Word, with which the Lord could accomplish the salvation of the world. Therefore, we should magnify the Mother of God unto all ages because she has given us the very Word of God.

At the approach of the Mother of God, Elisabeth perceived the mystery that was at work within her and ‘she cried out with a loud voice… whence isthis to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?’ (Luke 1:42-43).Ever since, this has been the attitude of all those who have been touched by divine grace through the word of the Lord, through His Name, through His Body and Blood; they can only burst into an outpouring of gratitude, and their only concern is to give thanks to God for such a great and unexpected gift of His goodness.
