
The Prophet Elijah and the Priests of Baal: Truth versus Falsehood Fr. Gennadios Manolis, Theologian 20 July 2023 From time to time, the people of Israel were subjected to influences from n...
Theology of Events (Titus 3, 8-15) Archimandrite Varnavas Lambropoulos 17 July 2023 A superficial reading of the epistle for the 6th Sunday of Matthew gives th...
Christ fulfills the Law Sotiris Stylianou 17 July 2023 On the 6th Sunday of Matthew, we hear a short excerpt from Christ’s Sermon ...
The Law and Grace (Rom. 10, 1-10) Ioannis Karavidopoulos, Professor Emeritus of New Testament Hermeneutics, A. U. Th. 10 July 2023 The Epistle reading for the 5th Sunday of Matthew is taken from Saint Paul’...
The Centurion’s Servant Sotiris Stylianou 3 July 2023 The Gospel Reading for the 4th Sunday of Matthew (Matthew 8, 5-13) is conce...
The unique work of the holy apostles Lambros Skontzos, Theologian 3 July 2023 On June 30, with particular honor, the Church celebrates the feast of the c...
The libecchio of sensuality Bishop Irinej of Yekaterinburg and Orbits 20 June 2023 There’s a wind called the libecchio which is unbearably hot and destructive...
Second Sunday of Matthew: Christ gives us an invitation and awaits our answer Sotirios Theologou 19 June 2023 Today Christ gives all of us an invitation which concerns our life and the ...
‘Show me a person’ Archimandrite Varnavas Lambropoulos 13 June 2023 When the pagan Avtolykos once asked Saint Theofilos of Antioch to show him ...
Sunday of All Saints: do we want to become saints? Sotirios Theologou 12 June 2023 The Sunday after Pentecost and the time of the Pentikostario has run its co...