Words of Life

The positive side of insults 20 April 2016 Insults cleanse our soul of the passions. In Greek there's an expression fo...
Our breath Elder - Thaddeus of Vitovnica 19 April 2016 We often forget that we're merely visitors passing through this life and sh...
Beginning and end Dimitrios Panagopoulos, preacher 18 April 2016 Where people's confidence in themselves ends is where help from God begins....
The heart equals life Saint John of Kronstadt 17 April 2016 In education, it's exceptionally dangerous to pay attention only to the dev...
How you see Saint Anthony the Great 16 April 2016 Just looking at something isn't in itself a sin. What is a sin is looking a...
Pleasant and summery weather Saint Ignatios Brianchaninoff 15 April 2016 Warm and balmy weather is followed by thunderstorms and rain. A soul which ...
Strong eyes Saint Isaac the Syrian 14 April 2016 Just as a healthy eye desires the light, so, if fasting's undertaken with d...
Wildfire Saint Theodoros of Edessa 13 April 2016 People who are overcome by the desires and pleasures and spend their lives ...
Offshoot of avarice Saint John Chrysostom 13 April 2016 All the evil you'll ever come across is the offshoot of the love of money. ...
They’ve got no room Saint Paisios the Athonite 12 April 2016 Let's not expect spiritual understanding from people who don't believe in G...