Orthodox Spirituality
Entering in Holy Week
Protopresbyter Vasileios Kalliakmanis, Professor of the Theological School, A.U.Th.
18 April 2022
a) Joseph the Fair leads the chorus of those celebrating God’s condescensio...

The Feast of Candlemas. The Reception of the Lord
Archimandrite Theodosios Martzoukhos
2 February 2022
Already we’re in the second month of the New Year. And we begin with the fe...

On Love
Dr. Georgios Koios
13 April 2019
This period of Great Lent through which we’re passing, and also the worryin...

Keep Vigil
11 April 2017
Forty days had come to a close. I remember them as one, how the weight of s...

Fatherhood in the Church is fatherhood of ineffable humility
Metropolitan Amfilhije (Radović) of Montenegro and the Littoral
9 March 2017
How does the Church present this fatherhood to people and how does it tea...

Some thoughts on Great Lent
Metropolitan Ioïl (Frangkakos) of Edessa, Pella, and Almopia
28 February 2017
It’s well known that, in this period, we have two fasts. There are seven we...

Face to Face
Fr. Stephen Freeman
13 January 2017
Nothing about the human body is as intimate as the face. We generally think...

Humbleness is the key to keep the Grace
Fr. Raphael Noica (of Essex)
6 January 2017
Fr. Raphael: Monasticism is like living something from the age that shall c...

Are you religious or spiritual?
Michael Bressem, Ph.D.
17 December 2016
Jesus Praying
While getting to know someone you might ask, “Do you go to ...

The Ancient Fathers of the Desert
19 November 2016
"When people honor you, humble yourself all the more at that moment, an...