Words of Life

Struggle and sacrifice Saint Ephraim Katounakiotis 7 March 2016 God wants a clean heart from us. That we should take notice only of Him. Go...
Symbols of gladness Saint John Chrysostom 6 March 2016 Joy is the fulfilment of desires, the enjoyment of what is pleasant and the...
Like a lit candle Saint - Saint Seraphim of Sarov 5 March 2016 In careful people, the intellect is like a watchful guard and sentinel of t...
Real stars Saint Paisios the Athonite 4 March 2016 Because they're humble, people with a rich inner life are real stars, movin...
The great enemy Saint Nektarios of Optina 3 March 2016 Condemnation is the great enemy of love. As soon as the urge to criticize s...
The true path Saint Nicholas Velimirovich 2 March 2016 Punishment of sinners occurs for important and creative educational reaso...
See the difference Saint John of Kronstadt 1 March 2016 When you have pleasant thoughts in your soul, you feel happy and calm. When...
He’ll bring them low Saint Nicholas Velimirovich 29 February 2016 God allows proud people to be humbled and brought low because they think ...
When does God grant it? Saint Amphilochios Makris of Patmos 28 February 2016 1. Prayer is grace. God grants it when there is zeal and humility (Elder Am...
It upsets the nerves Saint Ignatios Brianchaninoff 27 February 2016 Pride upsets the nerves, heats the blood, stimulates the imagination and pr...