Patristic Theology

Let us cry for clemency! Saint Ignatios Brianchaninoff 2 June 2016 Our ordinary condition, the condition of all mankind, is one of fallennes...
On Practicing the Jesus Prayer Saint Ignatios Brianchaninoff 30 May 2016 "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner." The correct p...
Hierarchy in the Divine Names : “Dionysius the Areopagite” Iakovos Menelaou, MTh & MPhil 9 May 2016 The Dionysian corpus dates to the turn of the fifth and sixth centuries and...
The Image of Those Who Hope in God Saint Nectarios of Pentapolis 9 November 2014 How wonderful, how pleasing, how charming is the image of those who hope in...
Saint John Chrysostom: Jesus’ Walk on the Sea – 2 Saint John Chrysostom 13 August 2014 What did Peter then say, given that he was ardent in everything he did, and...
Saint John Chrysostom: Jesus’ Walk on the Sea – 1 Saint John Chrysostom 12 August 2014 ‘And when He had sent the multitudes away, He went up into the mountain apa...
Dorotheos of Gaza on an Easter Hymn by St Gregory Nazianzinos – 3 16 May 2014 Let us restore the image To the ‘in the image’. Let us come to know our...
Dorotheos of Gaza on an Easter Hymn by St Gregory Nazianzinos – 2 9 May 2014 But how did they offer themselves up? By not living for themselves, but b...