Search Results for: "zacharias"

Hieromonk Sophrony of Saint Panteleïmon (1896-1993) – 11 July Elder Moisis the Athonite † 13 July 2016 He was born in Moscow in 1896 and his lay name was Sergei Symeonovich Sakharov. As he himself recalls, his first experience of the vision of the uncreated light occurred in his childhood. He studied a...
Discovering the Rich Meaning of Pascha (Easter) William Bush 1 May 2016 Pascha service It is impossible to describe the profound, almost visceral shock I received when, as a new convert, I came face to face with my first Good Friday in the Greek parish in London, Ontari...
Archimandrite Zacharias: “My Acquintance with Elder Sophrony” 3 November 2015 Archimandrite Zacharias, from Holy Monastery of Honourable Forerunner, Essex, England, speaks about his spiritual father Elder Sophrony...
Father Zacharias Dionysiates (1909-2000) Monk Joseph Dionysiates 12 October 2015 Over the long course of my monastic life (1964-2015) I’ve known a host of monks who are now in the Church of the First-Born in the heavens. Of these a good number quitted the outside world in the flow...
Fr Zacharias: “Requirements and Practice of the Divine Liturgy” 7 September 2015 Archimandrite Zacharias, from Essex Monastery, England, speaks on the Requirements and Practice of the Divine Liturgy...
A Conversation with Elder Sophrony († July 11) 12 July 2015 The abbot of the Great and Holy Monastery of Vatopedi, Archimandrite Ephraim, spoke with Elder Sophrony of blessed memory at the Holy Monastery of St. John the Baptist in Essex, England on 20 Septembe...
You are not doing better Fr. Stephen Freeman 13 January 2015 “I’m doing better.” Over the years I’m sure I’ve heard this many times in confession. I’ve also heard, “I’m not doing so well.” These are timely updates, personal measures and reports on the state of ...
Elder Evdokimos, the Last Innocent of the Mountain – Part 2 27 May 2014 Skete of Saint Dimitrios Elder Evdokimos was always gentle, and I mean gentle. People say that we who’re unmarried are irritable, that we lose our tempers easily, that we’re brusque and uncontrollab...
Christopher Veniamin, “The Orthodox Understanding of Salvation” 19 March 2014 The Orthodox Understanding of Salvation brings together some of Dr. Veniamin’s talks and articles, hitherto available in relatively little-known theological journals and periodicals, which pertain t...
Pan-Orthodox Conference: “Elder Sophrony, the Theologian of the Uncreated Light” 8 November 2011 During the three days of 19-21 October 2007, the Holy Great Monastery of Vatopaidi, in cooperation with the Centre of Greek and Orthodox Culture, hosted the Pan-Orthodox Conference at the Athens War M...