
The Righteousness of Humility Fr. Matthew the Poor 11 January 2014 In January, 1976, Fr. Matthew delivered a sermon in the church of Abba-Skhe...
Christian Morals, as they Emerge from the Incarnation of Logos – 4 Elder Iosif Vatopaidinos 29 December 2013 Who will not leap for joy and be filled with rejoicing when we have inherit...
Christian Morals, as they Emerge from the Incarnation of Logos – 3 Elder Iosif Vatopaidinos 28 December 2013 Let us now look at some aspects of the life of Christ which we are called u...
Christian Morals, as they Emerge from the Incarnation of Logos – 2 Elder Iosif Vatopaidinos 26 December 2013 Within such a sea of perverted thoughts and decisions, people, with their o...
Christian Morals, as they Emerge from the Incarnation of Logos – 1 Elder Iosif Vatopaidinos 25 December 2013 As we know, the intervention of God in the history of mankind was a continu...
The Word of God and the Church from an Orthodox Perspective-4 Petros Vassiliadis 14 June 2013 IV. The eschatological, ecclesiological and Christological dimension of the...
Designation of Orthodoxy and Heresy – St Gregory Palamas [II] 2 April 2013 The second Sunday in Great Lent comes as an extension of the Sunday of Orth...
Designation of Orthodoxy and Heresy – St Gregory Palamas [I] George Mantzaridis, Professor Emeritus, Theological School, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki 31 March 2013 On the first Sunday of the Great Lenten Fast, our Church celebrates the vic...
The Holy Memorial Services Ioannis Foundoulis Professor of the Theological School A. U. Th. † 25 October 2012 The subject of this presentation is “The Holy Memorial Services”, that is t...