New Martyrs
The holy new martyr Ioannis, a Hagarene from Vrahori
Lambros Skontzos, Theologian
24 September 2021
Among the choir of the saints of the new martyrs of our Church, there are a...

New Martyrs, the Fragrant Blossoms of the Winter of Slavery
Petros Panayiotopoulos, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Theology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
29 June 2020
Today, the third Sunday of Matthew, the Church honors an important choir of...

The Holy New Martyr Iakovos, 1 November 1519 (500 years since his martyrdom)
1 November 2019
The blessed martyr Iakovos (James) was born in the village of Voevonades, w...

The New Martyr Nannos (Ioannis) the Thessalonian (+1802)
Thanasis Hatzimitakos
29 May 2018
The new martyr Nannos/Ioannis belongs to the Macedonian new martyrs. He was...

The Image of the Turks in the Vitae of the Neomartyrs of the Orthodox Church
Archbishop Elpidophoros of America
13 August 2017
The image that one nation has for another goes through different levels o...

China’s New Martyrs
14 June 2017
11 June 1900: a day of Diocletian-like persecution against the numerous Chr...

New Martyr George of Ioannina (+1838)
17 January 2015
George was born in 1808 in the village Tsourchli in what is now Grevena Pre...

Blessed Martyr Romanos, the athonite monk from Kavsokalyvia
5 January 2015
The Saint was from Karpenesi. He was totally illiterate, the only thing h...

St. Philothei of Athens 1522-1589
2 November 2011
St. Philothei lived in the Turkish-occupied, sixteenth-century Athens. Her ...