
Constantine the Great, Lactantius, and Eusebius Eirini Artemi 21 June 2014 When Constantine and Licinius became emperors, they agreed to end the Chris...
Constantine the Great, Lactantius, and Christianity Eirini Artemi 18 June 2014 Many historians believe that Constantine helped Christianity by political...
Constantine and Christianity: Introductionary Eirini Artemi 12 June 2014 CONSTANTINE AND CHRISTIANITY THROUGH THE WRITINGS OF LACTANTIUS AND EUSEBIU...
Saint Hypomoni (Patience) and Konstantinos Palaiologos Protopresbyter Vasileios Kalliakmanis, Professor of the Theological School, A.U.Th. 30 May 2013 a) The sign of the cross that was revealed to Constantine the Great, the fi...
A brief history of Icons’ Controversy Eirini Artemi 22 March 2013 Iconoclasm is the deliberate destruction of religious icons and other symbo...
Saint Ignatios and the Antiochean Church Athanasios Moustakis 11 February 2013 On the occasion of the commemoration of the translation of the holy relics ...
Saint Nifon (teacher) and Maxim the Greek (student) as Models of the Ecumenicity of Orthodoxy Demetrios Papazis 11 November 2012 The synthesis and relationship between Greek Orthodox and Russian Orthodox ...
The Fall of 1204 and its Consequences Protopresbyter Georgios Metallinos 26 October 2012 Referring to the 4th crusade, Henri Grégoire speaks of the atrocity of the ...