
No One Is Saved Alone Fr. Stephen Freeman 27 July 2015 “If anyone falls, he falls alone. But no one is saved alone.” – Alexei Khom...
Through the Prayers of Our Holy Fathers Fr. Stephen Freeman 16 July 2015 It is a phrase that is heard frequently in Orthodox services: “Through the ...
A Holy Nation Fr. Brendan Pelphrey 4 July 2015 “But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s own pe...
The “D” Word: Why Dogmas Matter Amir Azarvan 20 May 2015 Amir Azarvan is an assistant professor of political science at Georgia Gwin...
Who is the Inner Person? Saint Luke the Physician, Archbishop of the Crimea 30 March 2015 In chapter four of the Second Epistle to the Corinthians by Saint Paul,  we...
From Faith to Faith Very Rev. Archimandrite Zacharias (Zacharou) 23 March 2015 The deepest desire of each one of us is to have a living relationship with ...
The City of Cain and the City of Jesus Fr. Matthew Baker 17 March 2015 This is one of the last sermons Fr. Matthew Baker wrote before his tragic a...
The Mystery of Baptism Metropolitan Ierotheos of Nafpaktos and Ayios Vlasios 22 January 2015 Fr. John Romanides: The Church lives in the context of Pentecost. Illuminat...
Theology of Isidore of Pelusium & Cyril of Alexandria: A Review Archimandrite Dr. Cyril Hovorun 10 January 2015 The doctoral thesis submitted by Mrs Eirini Artemi to the University of Ath...
The Diaconate in Today’s Church Archpriest Gregory Hallam 6 November 2014 The title of this modest essay reveals its purpose.  The author brings befo...