Celebratory speeches
Saint John Chrysostom: Jesus’ Walk on the Sea – 2
Saint John Chrysostom
13 August 2014
What did Peter then say, given that he was ardent in everything he did, and...

Saint John Chrysostom: Jesus’ Walk on the Sea – 1
Saint John Chrysostom
12 August 2014
‘And when He had sent the multitudes away, He went up into the mountain apa...

Spiritual hunger, the material needs and the miracle of sharing love
Metropolitan Panteleimon of Antinoes
3 August 2014
One of the most impressive evangelical readings is that which refers to the...

Address By His Beatitude Archbishop Anastasios of Tirana at the inauguration of The Holy Church of The Resurrection of Christ
Archbishop Anastasios of Tirana
10 June 2014
By His Beatitude
Archbishop Anastasios
of Tirana, Durrës and All...

Encomium on the Conception of John the Baptist (part 3)
Saint Sophronios of Jerusalem
27 September 2013
And so John was begotten in the womb of his holy mother, who was endowed wi...

Encomium on the Conception of John the Baptist (part 2)
Saint Sophronios of Jerusalem
25 September 2013
This venerable elder and priest not only believed in the Law, but taught i...

Encomium on the Conception of John the Baptist (part 1)
23 September 2013
Let us talk of the wonderful conception of the Honourable Forerunner- since...

On the Precious and Life-Giving Cross – 2
Saint Joseph the Confessor
21 September 2013
g) Hail, Cross, the dwelling-place and residence of monastics; you who elev...

On the Precious and Life-Giving Cross – 1
Saint Joseph the Confessor
14 September 2013
a) Today is the feast of the Cross; let the choirs of angels rejoice. The ...

Homily on the Nativity
Saint Gregory Palamas
25 December 2012
So now God
not only forms
human nature anew
by His own hand
in a myst...