Encomium on the Conception of John the Baptist (part 2)
Saint Sophronios of Jerusalem
25 September 2013
This venerable elder and priest not only believed in the Law, but taught i...

Encomium on the Conception of John the Baptist (part 1)
23 September 2013
Let us talk of the wonderful conception of the Honourable Forerunner- since...

Saint Anastasios the Weaver from Peristerona, Cyprus
18 September 2013
Leontios Makhairas, the 15th century chronicler, reports that Saint Anastas...

Martyr Sophia and her 3 Daughters: Faith, Hope and Love
Georgios Papademetropoulos
17 September 2013
The holy martyr Sophia and her three daughters, Elpis (Faith), Pistis (Hope...

St Athanasios Koulakiotis, an educated young man offers his life for Christian faith
7 September 2013
Saint Athnasios came from a village near Thessaloniki called Koulakia, now ...

Saint Martyr Fanourios
27 August 2013
We have nothing to say with certainty about the famous martyr of Christ, Fa...

Blessed Sampson the Hospitaller (+ 27 June)
27 June 2013
Our blessed father Sampson came from a family from the high society of Ro...

Blessed David of Thessaloniki (+ 26 June)
Metropolitan Agathangelos of Fanari
26 June 2013
Blessed David was from Northern Mesopotamia, which was a large monastic cen...

Saint Luke the Surgeon, Archbishop of Crimea (1877-1961)
Metropolitan Nectarios of Argolis
11 June 2013
If you ever find yourself on the Holy Mountain or in other old churches, yo...

The Venerable Ioane of Shavta, Bishop of Gaenati, and Evlogi, the Prophet and Fool-For-Christ
19 May 2013
The great Georgian hymnographer, philosopher, and orator, St. Ioane of Shav...