Patristic Theology

Interpretation of “Lord Have Mercy” (Part I) 10 August 2016 “Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy upon me” or, more briefly, “Lord have mercy”...
The hierarchical order of beings according to Saint Maximos Dimitris Ioannou 3 August 2016 Beyond the fact that, as we learn from biology, there really is a gradual d...
The Apostle Paul: Incorporeal, even though he had a Body – 2 Saint John Chrysostom 2 July 2016 Apostle Paul, Byzantine enamel, 12th Century, Victoria and Albert Museum, ...
The Apostle Paul: Incorporeal, even though he had a Body – 1 Saint John Chrysostom 30 June 2016 More than all other people, it’s Paul who shows us what we are, how noble...
How the minor sins progress into major ones Saint Nikodimos the Athonite 24 June 2016   ...We must therefore avoid the sins which are considered minor. B...
Do not underestimate the power of lesser sins Saint Nikodimos the Athonite 22 June 2016 Let us consider those sins that some people call ‘lesser’ and which are not...
Prayer for beginners Saint Ignatios Brianchaninoff 11 June 2016 The novice who is studying the Jesus Prayer will advance greatly by observi...
We need preparation for the Holy Communion Saint Gregory the Theologian 7 June 2016 Some people take the Body of the Lord without the fear of God. And they eat...
The Representation of Divine Names Iakovos Menelaou, MTh & MPhil 6 June 2016 This is how Dionysius describes the divine names, in the fifth chapter of...
How can we fight our passions? Saint Ignatios Brianchaninoff 5 June 2016 Novices need more time in order to train themselves in prayer. It is impo...