Search results for: "cheapssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss"
Cheap Love
Elder Aimilianos Simonopetritis †
27 October 2020
Like many, if not all, Elders on the Mountain, Elder Aimilianos was very lo...

Protopresbyter Themistoklis Mourtzanos
23 June 2023
On 14 June 2023, a fishing boat smuggling migrants capsized in internationa...

Now Lord lettest thou thy servant depart in peace
2 February 2023
This text is an abridgment of a sermon preached in 1626 by John Donne, Dean...

‘God’s Husbandry’ (1 Cor. 3:9-17)
Archimandrite Zacharias Zacharou
28 August 2021
Expressed with great inspiration in a poetical form, today’s apostle readin...

Address on the Feast of Our Most Holy Lady – 1
Archbishop Theofylaktos of Ochrid
20 November 2020
Address on the Feast of Our Most Holy Lady the Mother of God, when she was ...

The harder the struggle, the greater the victory
Elder Ephraim in Arizona †
2 April 2019
The harder the struggle, the greater the victory.
In the heavenly market-p...

Pain and Sorrow in our Lives (1)
Elder Ephraim in Arizona †
25 June 2018
The path of life is all pain and tears; all thorns and nails; crosses every...

The God Who Is No God – 2
11 October 2017
Early Christianity was surely marked by practices: without them, there woul...

The tradition of printmaking on Mount Athos
Markos Kampanis
22 July 2017
Artistic tradition on Mt Athos is usually connected to icons and religious ...

Just Plain American Orthodox
Frederica Mathewes-Green
4 April 2017
Deep in the heart of a typical American city there is a magnificent old O...

Building a Liturgical Library
Fr. John Whiteford
3 April 2017
The follow tips assume that you have a limited budget, and so cannot affo...

The myth of unconditional love
Michael Bressem, Ph.D.
16 December 2016
Many believe that “love conquers all” and they erroneously attribute the ...

Locusts and wild honey
James W. Lillie
23 October 2016
In the synaxarion for Saint James (October 23), we’re told that, like Saint...

«Give to your brother and to the stranger» The refugees and the Orthodox Church
Chrysostomos Stamoulis
14 April 2016
Boston, April 2016
«One evening in a not so fashionable taverna, a young C...

Styrofoam and Saint Isaac the Syrian: Toward an Orthodox Environmental Ethic
Vincent Rossi
8 August 2015
In my experience, whenever the subject of the environment is raised in Orth...

The most “ordained” band in the world
4 March 2015
We invite you to follow the story of Luxury, a band who, on the cusp of suc...

Bjørn Ihler: Interview with the survivor of the Utøya Island attack in Norway
Maria Alvanou, Criminologist
25 November 2014
Pemptousia has the honour to host an interview of Bjørn Ihler. Mr. Ihler is...

It is not happiness that makes us grateful, but gratefulness that makes us happy – Part 1
David Steindl-Rast
9 July 2014
I am slowly learning to be happy, to stop grumbling, to accept the Cross of...

‘It’s wonderful to be with Christ’
Katerina Chouzouri
11 June 2014
In March 2001, the monthly periodical Tolmi, with which I was collaborati...

Elder Evdokimos, the Last Innocent of the Mountain – Part 2
27 May 2014
Skete of Saint Dimitrios
Elder Evdokimos was always gentle, and I mean ge...

Saint Anastasia, the Deliverer from Potions
Georgios Papademetropoulos
22 December 2013
The holy and most brave martyr Anastasia lived in Rome at the time of the E...

Charitable Works Abolish Death!
Saint John Chrysostom
24 September 2013
Their power is so great that they not only cleanse sins but even do away wi...

Person and Family
Vasileios T. Gioultsis
24 October 2012
Family is a very ancient bio-social institution which goes back as far as h...

The engravings
Ioannis E. Tavlakis
3 November 2011
Side by side with the great paintings and other works of art with which the...