Search results for: "Open ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss"

An open window Elder Moisis the Athonite † 23 May 2023 We’ve said before that God isn’t impassioned, punitive or vindictive. If he...
Let’s open the Triodio with humility Sophia Bekri, Theologian 10 February 2023 The Church doesn’t leave us without consolation. One feast follows another ...
Open the Windows of the Soul Archimandrite Varnavas Lambropoulos 8 January 2023 This year, the Sunday after Theophany coincides with the handing-back of th...
With open arms Saint Nectarios of Pentapolis 9 July 2022 The Church has its arms open to welcome us. Let those of us whose consc...
‘Prepare yourself, Bethlehem, Eden is open to all’ Lambros Skontzos, Theologian 27 December 2021 The incarnation of God is the most important event in human history. It was...
1st Digital Fellowship with Elder Ephraim Abbot of the Holy Monastery of Vatopaidi, Mount Athos and the Theology Teachers of the Open Educational Resources Platform “” 17 May 2021 Dear friends, We are writing to inform you about the 1st Digital Fel...
He opened all the gates Saint Nicholas Velimirovich 23 January 2021 Sin tied the wings of Adam and his descendants and so they were all separ...
Keep your mouth open Saint John of Kronstadt 21 January 2021 Faith is a spiritual mouth. The more freely it opens, the greater is th...
‘Closed Churches Threaten the Faithful; Open Ones Threaten the Viruses’ Metropolitan Nikolaos (Hatzinikolaou) of Mesogaia and Lavreotiki 3 December 2020 We read that, in England, churches are going to be open for Christmas. Amon...
Dimitirios Magouris: ‘Open to me the gates of repentance’ 15 February 2020 The pre-cleansing period of the Triodio will bring us to the gates of Great...
The open gates Saint Arsenie Boca 2 August 2019 Hell is only for those who don’t want to repent and to abandon sin. If yo...
‘The parish priest between the open heavens of the Holy Liturgy and the sea of digital life’ 29 July 2019 ...
Hymns after Psalm 50 in the Triodio, by Dimosthenis Païkopoulos (Open to me the gates of repentance – The multitude of my past iniquities) 6 March 2019 The period of the Triodio and Great Lent is very important for the spirit...
Open a grave Saint Luke the Physician, Archbishop of the Crimea 3 February 2019 We shouldn’t be like flies, but like bees, flitting from flower to flower...
Open a grave! Saint Luke the Physician, Archbishop of the Crimea 6 November 2018 We shouldn’t be like flies, but like bees which buzz from flower to flowe...
Open the window Saint Porfyrios Kavsolkalyvitis 13 September 2018 You’re in a dark room waving your hands about and trying, in this way, to...
No open windows Saint Porfyrios Kavsolkalyvitis 5 September 2018 Let’s not give the devil any justification. I don’t allow myself any resent...
Time to open the door to Him Saint Amfilokhios Makris 19 June 2018 Christ comes lots of times and knocks at your door. You ask Him into the s...
Open the window Saint Porfyrios Kavsolkalyvitis 10 April 2018 You’re in a dark room and waving your arms trying to get rid of the darkn...
It closes and opens Abbess Gavriïlia 26 March 2018 When the door to the cell closes, the gates of heaven open....
Our hearts open Abba Pimen 24 August 2017 The nature of water is soft, while that of rock is hard. Yet if you suspe...
Open window Elder Moisis the Athonite † 5 July 2017 We’ve said before that God is not wrathful, bent on punishment and revenge....
Keep your mouth open Saint John of Kronstadt 3 April 2017 Faith is a spiritual mouth. The wider it’s open, the greater the river of...
The katavasies for ‘I will open my mouth’ – Iordanis Koutsimanis 20 March 2017 As a living continuum of tradition, Byzantine music occupies an important...
He opens our eyes 12 January 2016 God often hides from us the good things we've acquired. But then the one wh...
Advice for PM Trudeau in advance of visit to Turkey: An Open Letter 19 November 2015 Evagelos Sotiropoulos holds a B.A. and M.A. in political science from the ...
Keep the “line” open to God’s endless love Fr. Cornel Todeasa 11 October 2014 People like to talk a lot. Our cell phones help us to talk anywhere, with a...
The Justice of God in Stages Archimandrite Peter, Abbot of Monastery of St John the Baptist, Essex UK 21 June 2024 In the prayer to the Holy Spirit we say: ‘O Heavenly King and Comforter, wh...
International Scientific Conference «POST-HUMANISM AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE» 28 December 2023 POST-HUMANISM AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE International Scientific Confere...
Christmas 2023 Archimandrite Zacharias Zacharou 27 December 2023 Life in the bosom of the Holy Church can be likened to a continuous cycle o...
A chat with Papa-Theoliptos. Love has a face Ilias Liamis 13 October 2023 ‘Father, I don’t love’. ‘Well done’. ‘Well done that I don’t love?’ ‘No,...
The Peace of God is a Great Treasure Metropolitan Athanasios of Limassol 10 October 2023 When we have the peace of God within us and the soul is convinced that God ...
Self-Justification Protopresbyter Themistoklis Mourtzanos 9 October 2023 ‘Justifying ourselves, following our own opinion and satisfying our own wil...
The Beheading of Saint John, the Glorious Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord – 1 Saint Justin Popovich 29 August 2023 Saint Justin Popovich Today is a little Great Friday, a second Great Frid...
The Spiritual Struggle Fr. Andreas Agathokleous 26 August 2023 1. If somebody isn’t thinking and says something that annoys you, don’t g...
Transfiguration Metropolitan Anthony Bloom † 6 August 2023 In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. There are blessed o...
They’re extremely tragic (7th Sunday of Matthew) Georgios Patronos, Emeritus Professor of Theology, University of Athens 23 July 2023 In this Sunday’s Gospel reading, we have two events. One is the healing of ...
Saint Paisios the Hagiorite (1924-1994) – 2 Georgios Chr. Efthymios 12 July 2023 At some point, the Cell's door, of the old and poor building, would open an...
Sermon on the Apostolic reading for the 5th Sunday of Matthew (Romans 10: 1-10) Metropolitan of Pisidia Sotirios † 9 July 2023 In our reading from the Letter to the Romans, St. Paul lays before us two b...
‘We shall be saved through his life’ Protopresbyter Themistoklis Mourtzanos 30 June 2023 ‘For if, while we were God’s enemies, we were reconciled to him through the...
Foreigners Protopresbyter Themistoklis Mourtzanos 23 June 2023 On 14 June 2023, a fishing boat smuggling migrants capsized in internationa...
Listen to your neighbor; see your God Fr. Andreas Agathokleous 20 June 2023 People today have a real need to speak and to be heard. When the most profo...
Second Sunday of Matthew: Christ gives us an invitation and awaits our answer Sotirios Theologou 19 June 2023 Today Christ gives all of us an invitation which concerns our life and the ...
Sunday of All Saints: do we want to become saints? Sotirios Theologou 12 June 2023 The Sunday after Pentecost and the time of the Pentikostario has run its co...
Saint Luke the Surgeon, Archbishop of the Crimea (1877-1961) – Part II Metropolitan Nectarios of Argolis 11 June 2023 It was also in the ’20s that the “correction” facilities were set up, the...
Encomium on All Saints – Part I Saint John Chrysostom 10 June 2023 Not seven days have passed since we celebrated the holy feast of Pentecost ...
The Path towards Pentecost and the Last Times Archimandrite Iakovos Kanakis 5 June 2023 The season after Easter is called ‘Pentikostario’. After the victory over d...
Pentecost Fr. Lev Gillet 4 June 2023 “We celebrate the feast of Pentecost and the coming of the Spirit, the appo...
It’s inevitable Saint Sophrony of Essex 2 June 2023 There’s no end to repentance on earth, because the end of repentance wo...
An Ottoman Volunteer Defends Besieged Constantinople (1453) Nikos Nikoloudis 29 May 2023 At the fall of Constantinople, in 1453, it was not only Greeks pitched agai...
They gathered in the church Protopresbyter Themistoklis Mourtzanos 18 May 2023 ‘So for a whole year they gathered in the church and taught great numbers ...
Let us keep Christ’s commandments properly Protopresbyter Georgios Dorbarakis 15 May 2023 ‘Illumined, brethren, by the resurrection of Christ the Savior and having r...
Sunday of the Samaritan Woman Archimandrite Zacharias Zacharou 14 May 2023 We owe greater honour to the other, as Christ rendered to the Church In th...
Interpreting Scripture (Confessiones XI, 1-2) Saint Augustine of Hippo 12 May 2023 Lord, since eternity is yours, is it possible for you not to know what I’m ...
The Feast of Mid-Pentecost Archimandrite Peter, Abbot of Monastery of St John the Baptist, Essex UK 11 May 2023 Having gone through Great Lent, we have lived the event of the Resurrection...
Sunday of the Myrrh-Bearing Women Saint John Chrysostom 30 April 2023 One of the most striking features of Christianity is that it is not culture...
Sunday of the Myrrh-Bearing Women Metropolitan Anthony Bloom † 29 April 2023 FEAST OF THE MYRRH-BEARING WOMEN, ST JOSEPH OF ARIMATHEA AND ST NICODEMUS ...
Excerpt from the Homily On the New Sunday, and on the Apostle Thomas by St. John Chrysostom. [PG vol. 63] Saint John Chrysostom 23 April 2023 I have come pay off in good time an outstanding debt. I may be poor, but I ...
The Tomb of the Lord (Great Saturday) Fr. Lev Gillet 14 April 2023 On Holy Saturday the Church directs and concentrates our attention on our L...
Our responsibilities in Holy Week Metropolitan Avgoustinos (Kantiotis) of Florina († 2010) 10 April 2023 ‘The present day shines brightly on the beginning of the Lord’s Passion. Co...
Palm Sunday Metropolitan Anthony Bloom † 9 April 2023 4 April 1993 In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. Today...
Saint Mary the Egyptian as a challenge to greater things Fr. Andreas Agathokleous 3 April 2023 There are Lives of the Saints which, though they may seem exaggerated, are ...
Saint Mary the Egyptian (5th Sunday in Lent) Saint Justin Popovich 2 April 2023 The 5th Sunday in Great Lent, the Sunday which is the week of great vigils,...
‘Hail, city of the king of all’ Sophia Bekri, Theologian 27 March 2023 Among the many wonderful salutations addressed by the hymnographer to our L...
By the rivers of Babylon: inconsolable home-sickness Mihaïl Koutsos 14 March 2023 Psalm 136. By Jeremiah to David, on captivity 1 By the rivers of Babylon ...
‘And not to judge my brother’ Protopresbyter Georgios Dorbarakis 13 March 2023 It’s a constant exhortation on the part of the Church, all the year round, ...
Three Ways of Approaching the Lord (2nd Sunday in Lent) Saint Nicholas Velimirovich 12 March 2023 In today’s Gospel, the paralytic arose immediately, took his bed upon his s...
The Orthodox Church: come and see Sotiris Stylianou 6 March 2023 The Gospel reading read in churches on the first Sunday in Lent, on 5 March...
Τhe Τriumph of Orthodoxy Saint Luke the Physician, Archbishop of the Crimea 5 March 2023 Discourse on the First Sunday of Lent On the first Sunday of Great Lent, o...
Pre-requisites of Orthodoxy Archimandrite Varnavas Lambropoulos 4 March 2023 Today’s Gospel certainly has nothing to say to those who embrace the modern...
1st Salutations Protopresbyter Georgios Dorbarakis 3 March 2023 ‘I shall open my mouth and it will be filled with praise and I shall pour o...
Division and Content of the 24 Verses of the Akathistos Hymn Theodore Rokas 3 March 2023 The Service of the Akathistos Hymn is sung at Mattins on the Saturday of th...
From darkness to light Archimandrite Varnavas Lambropoulos 28 February 2023 On the eve of our entry into Great Lent, everything in church speaks to us ...
Like a little child Saint Joseph the Hesychast 15 February 2023 To find consolation you have to strive, to beg with pain, to cry like a...
They’re a window Elder Moisis the Athonite † 13 February 2023 The present crisis is an opportunity for us to take a sharp look at our...
Sermon on the Sunday of the Prodigal Son [Part II] Georgios Patronos, Emeritus Professor of Theology, University of Athens 12 February 2023 3. The Tragic Experience of Life “in a far Country”. In spite and independ...
The Canaanite woman and the Mother of God Archbishop Christodoulos (Paraskevaïdis) of Athens (1998-2008, †) 29 January 2023 Today’s Gospel is about a Canaanite woman. You heard how she called out to ...
Sin and Sickness: An Orthodox Perspective Dr. Nikolaos Koios, Content Coach of Pemptousia 27 January 2023 One of the most beautiful modern examples of our Church’s precepts says tha...
Zacchaeus, a Moving Example of Repentance Hierodeacon Rafael Misiaoulis, Theologian 22 January 2023 In today’s Gospel reading, we hear that Jesus entered Jericho and was going...
It embraces everything Elder Efraim Vatopaidinos 11 January 2023 Our sanctification isn’t achieved through our personal defensive mechan...