Abba Pimen
- Pelagia Eleftheriadou
- Dionysios Simopoulos
- Bishop Irinej of Yekaterinburg and Orbits
- Kleopatra Hatzilia, Cultural Historian
- Saint Georgios from Ephesus
- Archbishop Ieronymos of Athens
- Elder Petroniu (†) Romanian Skete of the Forerunner, Mount Athos
- Ioan Valduca
- Dimitrios Mavropoulos, Theologian
- Fr. Christodoulos Papaïoannou
- Maria A. Stylianou
- Elder Patapios Kavsokalyvitis, Superintendent of the Skete of the Holy Trinity, Mount Athos
- Sotiris Stylianou
- Saint Athanasius
- Saint Ambrose of Optina Saint Ambrose of Optina
- Starets Efstratij Golovanski
- Saint John the Valaam
- Saint Kosmas Aitolos
- Elder Theodosios Damvakerakis
- Elder Panayis from Lysi
- Ilias Liamis
- Saint Irenaeus of Lyons
- Elder Teofil Paraian
- Saint John the Karpathian
- Maria Stylianou, Sociologist
- Sotirios Balatsoukas, Professor of Hagiology
- Elder Paisie Olaru
- Fr. Antonios Alevizopoulos (†)
- Fr. Georgios Kouyioumtzoglou
- Christos Economou, Professor
- Dioyenis Maltezos
- Dimitrios Dourtas
- Archimandrite Pavlos Dimitrakopoulos
- Archimandrite Meletios Vadrakhanis
- Vasileios Trallianos
- Sotirios Theologou
- Fr. Evaggelos Papanikolaou, Doctor
- Sophia Bekri, Theologian
- Ilias Economou, Professor Emeritus, Theological School, University of Athens
- Apostolos Nikolaïdis Professor Emeritus, University of Athens, President of the ‘Saint Maxim the Greek’ Institute
- Archimandrite Kyrillos Kostopoulos
- Nikolaos Leventis
- Triandafillos Sermetzis
- Despina Ioannou Vasileiou
- Elder Gavriil, Abbot of the Holy Monastery of the Apostle Barnabas
- Archimandrite Ilias Mastroyannopoulos
- Mihaïl Koutsos
- Konstantinos Kinas, Theologian
- Nikolaos Voineskos
- Panayiotis Neokhoritis, Archon Chanter of the great Church of Christ
- Fr. Christos Klavas
- Hieromonk Chrysostomos Koutloumousianos
- Hieromonk Chrysostomos Stavronikitianos
- Grigoris Sahinoglou
- Fr. Dimitrios Bokos
- Sister Parakliti, Holy Skete of Saint Mary Magdalene, in Liti
- Protopresbyter Georgios Christodoulou
- Mihalis Athanasiou
- Elder Efstratios Golovanski
- Archimandrite Dorotheos Tzevelakos
- Archimandrite Eleftherios Balakos
- Saint Makarios of Optina
- Saint Isaiah the Anchorite
- Maria-Eleni Efthymiou
- Christos Gotsis
- Saint Tarasios Patriarch of Constantinople
- Fr. Ioannis Sourlingas
- Metropolitan Serafeim of Zimbabwe
- Elder Gavriil, Former Abbot of the Holy Monastery of Dionysiou on the Holy Mountain (†1983)
- Dr. Anastasios Ioannides
- Saint Thalassios the Libyan
- Neža-Agne Zajc, Insitute of Cultural History, Scientific-Research Centre of Slovenian Academy of Sciencea and Arts, Ljubljana-Slovenia
- Panteleimon Lambadarios
- Protopresbyter Haralambos Papadopoulos
- Academic Prof. DDDr. Habil. Alexios Panagopoulos
- Fr. Sotirios Athanasoulias
- Vladimir Cvetkovic
- Protopresbyter Georgios Dorbarakis
- Georgios Galitis, Professor Emeritus, University of Athens
- Archimandrite Kyrillos, Elder of the Kelli of Saint Prokopios, Vatopaidi, the Holy Mountain
- Archimandrite Peter, Abbot of Monastery of St John the Baptist, Essex UK
- Metropolitan Cyril of Rhodes
- Metropolitan Christoforos, former Archbishop of the Czech and Slovak Republics
- Anastasios Aslanidis
- Fr. Ioannis Matonakis
- Stavros Zoumboulakis
- Metropolitan Serafeim of Kastoria (†)
- Archbishop Stylianos of Australia †
- Constantine Cavafy
- Christos Economou
- Sister Gabriela, Holy Monastery of St. John the Baptist, Essex
- Elder Panaretos Filotheitis
- Archimandrite Kosmas Thasitis
- Christos Gousidis
- Anastasios (Tasos) M. Ioannides, Former Associate Professor at the University of Cincinnati, USA
- Gerondissa Thekla, Abbess of the Holy Monastery of the Virgin Mary of Consolation
- Bishop Alexis of Bethesda
- Fr. Antoine Melki, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, University of Balamand
- Efstathios Kefalouros
- Elder Athanasios Iviritis
- Vassilis Sideris, Hellenic Pasteur Institute, Athens, Greece, Alexandra Hospital, Athens, Greece
- Maria Papagiannopoulou, Institute for Social Medicine, Epidemiology, and Health Economics, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, Germany
- Monk Eleemon Vatopaidinos
- Archimandrite Vasileios Bakoyannis
- Priest of the Greek Orthodox Church
- Saint Paul
- Georgios Kyprianou
- Ippokratis Tavlarios, Theologian
- Dean Kalimnios
- Desert Fathers
- Abbess Styliani Holy Monastery of the Pantokrator-Tao †
- Monk Lazaros Dionysiatis
- Mihalis Mihalakopoulos
- Agapios Landos
- Maro Sideri, Theologian
- Theodoros Ziakas
- Ioannis Moskhos
- Georgios Gotzias
- Georgios Arabatzoglou
- Protopresbyter Themistoklis Mourtzanos
- Elder Placide Deseille
- Fr. Ioannis Nirgianakis
- Nikolaos Georgantonis, Theologian
- Fr. Bassam Nassif, Associate Professor of Pastoral Theology, University of Balamand
- Archimandrite Dimitrios Kavvadias
- Stamatios Sp. Zoulas, M.Sc. Theology's, Teacher of Religions
- Dr. Georgios Koios
- Dr. Ilias Liamis
- Pavlos Mouktaroudis
- Klairi Mavromatou-Hatzikonti
- Metropolitan Symeon of Nea Smyrni
- Vasileios Touloumtsis
- Alexandros Kosmatopoulos
- Elder Dionisie of the Kelli of Saint George, Kolçu, Athos
- Fr. Spyridon Skoutis
- Manolis Karakostas
- Metropolitan Georgios (Pavlidis) of Nikaia, Athens († 1990)
- Fr. Dimitri Dudko † (1922-2004)
- Vasiliki Rouska
- Abba Pafnutios
- Georgios Hatzichronoglou, Archon Hymnist of the Great Church of Christ
- Abba Sisois
- Abba John the Short
- Metropolitan Silouan of Byblos, Botris and dependencies (Mount Lebanon)
- Metropolitan Evyenios of Rethymna and Avlopotamos
- Protopresbyter Antonios Christou
- Thrasyvoulos Stanitsas, Archon Protopsaltis of the Great Church of Christ
- Saint Antonios of the Monastery of Optina
- Saint Andronik of the Monastery of Glinsk
- Saint Seraphim Romanchov of the Monastery of Glinsk
- Metropolitan Panteleimon of Veria, Naousa and Kampania
- Saint Seraphim of Vyritsa
- Starets Amvrosij
- Protopresbyter Panteleïmon Krouskos
- Archon Protopsaltis Panayiotis Neokhoritis
- Archimandrite Pavlos Alexas
- Protopresbyter Georgios Schinas
- Protopresbyter Efstratios Karatsoulis
- Starets Iosif
- Protopresbyter Spyridon Lontos
- Hélder Pessoa Câmara
- Archimandrite Athanasios (Anastasiou), Former Abbot of the Holy Monastery of the Great Meteora
- Dr. Dimitrios Hoilous
- Starets Leon
- Timotheos Papastavrou
- Saint Arsenia Sebryakova Abbess of the Monastery of Ust-Medveditsky
- Elder Germanos Stavrovouniotis
- Elder Ieronymos Simonopetritis
- Monk Agapios
- Elder Arsenie Boca
- Panteleïmon Tomazos
- Chrysanthos Theodosopoulos, Archon Protopsaltis of the Holy Archdiocese of Constantinople
- Panteleimon Levakos, Theologian
- Georgios P. Pavlos, Professor of Physics and Philosophy, DUTH
- Christoforos Papadopoulos, Theologian
- Euripides (c. 480 – c. 406 BC)
- Evyenios Voulgaris (1716 -1806)
- Plutarch (45-127 AD)
- Euripides (c. 480 – c. 406 BC)
- Mahatma Gandhi
- Archimandrite Iakovos Kanakis
- Prof. Ovidiu-Alexandru Bajenaru, MD, PhD, Senior Neurologist Corresponding Member of the Romanian Academy
- Metropolitan Chrysostomos III of Mani
- Maria Loupidou
- Hieromonk Alexios Yiannios
- Sergey Horujy, Academician
- Elder Haralambos Dionysiatis
- Protopresbyter Ioannis Skiadaresis, Professor Emeritus
- Archbishop Timotheos (Papoutsakis) of Crete (†)
- Archpriest Andrew Phillips
- Panagiotis G. Pavlos Department of Philosophy, University of Oslo
- Professor Mihaïl Tritos, School of Theology A.U.Th.
- Vasilios Grillas, Theologian
- Hierodeacon Filaretos, Monastery of the Holy Lavra, Kalavryta
- Greek Byzantine Choir
- Lykourgos Angelopoulos, Archon Protopsaltis of the Most Holy Archdiocese of Constantinople and founder of the Greek Byzantine Choir (†2014)
- Christos Karadimos
- Christos Klavas, Theologian
- Mina Boulekou, Author-Poetress- Columnist
- Saint Ambrose of Milan
- Metropolitan Alexios of Atlanta
- Metropolitan Meliton (Hatzi) of Chalcedon †
- Serafeim Manolis
- Bishop Efthymios of Aheloos †
- Abbess Theosemni, the Holy Monastery of Chrysopiyi, Hania, Crete
- Fr. Gennadios Manolis, Theologian
- Elder Amvrosios Lazaris
- Georgios Zaravelas, Theologian
- Archbishop Gregorios of Thyateira and Great Britain
- Grigoris Tzivelekis
- Fr. Fotios Nikolaïdis
- Saint Amfilochius Bishop of Iconium
- V. Rev. Fr. Athenagoras Ziliaskopoulos, Office Director Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Toronto (Canada)
- Protopresbyter Nikolaos Patsalos
- Brother Pakhoum
- Elder Gavriil Tsafos †
- Moskhos Goutzioudis, Assistant Professor of the New Testament, A. U. Th.
- Protopresbyter Mihail Voskos
- Elder Christodoulos, Abbot of the Holy Monastery of Koutloumousi
- Father Nikolaos Patsalos
- Athonite Hieromonk Christodoulos
- Agapi Papadopoulou, Theologian
- Fr. Constantin Voicescu
- Fr. Irinaios Delidimos
- Saint Barsanuphius
- Archimandrite Ioïl Yiannakopoulos
- Georgios Kounnousis
- Iraklis Filios
- Abba Pimen
- Monk Arsenios of the Skete of Koutloumousiou, the Holy Mountain
- Protopresbyter Stefanos Anagnostopoulos
- Georgia Moulopoulou, M. Th.
- Saint Cassian the Roman
- Andrew Estocin
- Deacon Dionysios Firifiris
- Elder Stefanos of the Daniïleï Brotherhood
- Dr. Haralambos Bousias, Great Hymnographer of the Church of the Alexandrians
- Elder Ignatios Riganas
- K. Leontiev
- Professor Dimitra Koukoura, School of Theology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
- Sotirios Kollias, D. Th.
- Archimandrite Antonios Romaios
- Elder Christoforos Grigoriatis
- Protopresbyter Christos Aiyidis
- Archimandrite Theofilos Lemontzis, D. Th.
- Dimitrios Athanasiou
- Andreas Christoforou
- Archimandrite Zacharias Zacharou
- Grigorios Daravanoglou
- Konstantinos Loulis President of the Association of the Friends of the Holy Monastery of Vatopaidi, Former Civil Governor of Mount Athos
- Metropolitan Panteleïmon (Kathreptidis) of Koronia
- Saint Gregory the Wonder-Worker, Bishop of New Caesarea (ca. 213-270)
- Pepi Ekonomaki
- Elder Thomas Mikrayannanitis
- Hieromonk Akakios of Athos
- Hierodeacon Rafael Misiaoulis, Theologian
- Fr. Stavros Akrotirianakis
- Elder Yermanos Stavrovouniotis
- Metropolitan Ieronymos of Larisa and Tyrnavos
- Evagoras Makhaira
- Archimandrite Elisaios, Abbot of the Holy Monastery of Simonos Petras
- Hieromonk Dionysios (†)
- Elder Ieronymos, Aegina
- Sophia Kafkopoulou
- Archbishop Christodoulos (Paraskevaïdis) of Athens (1998-2008, †)
- Ioannis Panayiotopoulos, Lecturer at the Theological School, Athens University
- Saint George Karslidis
- Book of the Elders
- Jonathan Jackson
- Metropolitan Avgoustinos (Kantiotis) of Florina († 2010)
- Athanassios Stogiannidis
- Protopresbyter Mihaïl Efthymiou
- Metropolitan Ambrosios of Korea
- Archbishop of Canada Sotirios
- Metropolitan Silouan of Buenos Aires and all Argentina
- Saint Innocent
- Metropolitan Varnavas of Neapolis and Stavroupolis
- Protopresbyter Adamantios Avgoustidis, Associate Professor, School of Theology, University of Athens
- Saint Amfilokhios Makris
- Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk
- Metropolitan Amfilhije (Radović) of Montenegro and the Littoral
- Yeoryios D. Papadimitropoulos
- Metropolitan Pavlos of Aleppo
- Abbess Christonymfi, Monastery of Our Lady the Queen of All, Keratea
- Theodoros Kolokotronis
- Kristin (Xrisanthi) Giannas
- Presbytera Kelley Lawrence
- Michael Palairet, British Ambassador to Greece at the time of the war, in 1940
- I. M. Hatzifotis
- Edna King
- Presbytera Roxanne Louh
- Saint Nikolaos Kavasilas
- Nick Kostopoulos
- Angelos Alekopoulos
- Presbytera Jocelyn Mathewes
- W. J. Lillie
- Bishop Christoforos of Karpasia
- Jim Forest, Writer, Theologian
- Archimandrite Nikon Koutsidis
- Metropolitan Dionysios of Servia and Kozani †
- Christina Tsaka, Kindergarten teacher
- Abba Dorotheos
- John G. Panagiotou
- Archimandrite Varnavas Lambropoulos
- Archimandrite Nectarios Pettas
- Saint Iakovos Tsalikis
- Elder Christodoulos Katounakiotis
- Abba Isaiah
- Elder Epifanios Theodoropoulos †
- Elder Efraim Vatopaidinos
- Nikolaos G. Koios, Content Coach of Pemptousia
- Metropolitan Nikolaos (Hatzinikolaou) of Mesogaia and Lavreotiki
- Saint Luke the Physician, Archbishop of the Crimea
- Starets Parfenij of the Lavra of the Caves in Kiev
- Saint Fotios the Great
- Hieromonk Eleftherios Balakos
- Syngelis Em. Konstantinos, Philologist
- Theoni Marinou-Boura, Theologian
- Monk Kosmas Simonopetritis
- Elder Tadej Vitovničk
- Constantine the Great
- Elder Vasilios Gontikakis, former Abbot of the Monastery of Iviron
- Saint Tertullian
- Maria P. Siaka
- Dr. Maria Alvanou, Criminologist
- Dimitris Ioannou
- Oystein Silouan Lid
- Stelios Koukos
- Saint Nilos the Ascetic
- Aimilios Gaspasris
- Maria Dimitriadou, Pedagogue
- Elder Moses of the Holy Mount Athos
- Saint Cyprian of Carthage
- Professor Emeritus of the Theological School, University of Athens Georgios Ant. Galitis
- Abba Kassianos
- Saint John the Sinaite
- Panagiotis Charitos
- Elder Cleopa Ilie
- Archimandrite Nikanor Karayannis
- Metropolitan Ioïl (Frangkakos) of Edessa, Pella, and Almopia
- Peter Petkoff, Managing Director of "Law and Religion", Oxford University
- Ioannis Karavidopoulos, Professor Emeritus of New Testament Hermeneutics, A. U. Th.
- Elder Efsevios Yannakakis
- Adrian Sîrbu
- Abbess Makrina, Holy Monastery of Our Lady the Guide, Portaria
- Abbess Gavriïlia
- Saint Cyril of Alexandria
- Thomas Mavromoustakos, Professor of the Department of Chemistry at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
- Stella Argyrou
- Metropolitan of Gortyn and Megalopolis, Ieremias †
- † Elder Filotheos Zervakos
- Konstantinos Kalakhanis, Doctor of Philosophy, University of Athens
- Elder Gerasimos Agiopavlites
- Hieromonk Makarios Simonopetrites
- Elder Vartholomaios, Abbot of the Holy Monastery of Esfigmenou
- Fr. Dumitru Stăniloae
- Nektarios, Metropolitan of Argolis
- George Mantzarides, Professor Emeritus of the Theological School of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
- Tadej Vitovnički
- Saint Gregory V, Patriarch of Constantinople
- Chrysostomos Stamoulis, Professor of the School of Theology of the University of Thessaloniki
- Miltiadis Konstantinou, Professor of the School of Theology of the University of Thessaloniki
- Saint Theodoros of Edessa
- Archimandrite Georgios Kapsanis, Abbot of the Holy Monastery of Gregoriou †
- Metropolitan of Nafpaktos and Ayios Vlasios, Ierotheos
- Fr. Filotheos Faros
- Sotirios Sarvanis, Theology Student
- Vasileios Konstantoudis, PhD in Physics, Researcher in "Democritus" Research Center
- Saint Mark the Ascetic
- Liana Galabova
- Abba Efprepios
- Iakovos Menelaou, MTh & MPhil
- Gregory Pappas
- Elder Filotheos Zervakos
- Saint John of the Ladder
- Stylianos Tsombanidis, Ass. Professor of Theology
- Giorgos Kseinos, Doctor - Novelist
- Dimitrios Panagopoulos, preacher
- Sotirios, Metropolitan of Canada
- Panagiotis Skaltsis, President of Theology Department, Thessaloniki
- Metropolitan Chrysostomos Savvatos
- Evagelos Sotiropoulos, Archon Ostiarios, political scientist, freelance columnist
- Saint Diadokhos of Fotiki
- Fotis Skhinas
- Kostas Nousis
- Konstantinos T. Tsourapas
- Saint Anthony the Great
- Vassiliki Katsaouni
- Saint Silouan the Athonite
- Saint Saint John the Merciful
- Kristin Giannas, Journalist
- Anthimos of Saint Anne
- Archimandrite Chrysostomos Papadakis of the Ecumenical Throne
- David Robles
- Saint Makarios the Egyptian
- Saint Clement of Alexandria
- Saint Saint Seraphim of Sarov
- Anastasia Raptakis, Theologian
- Saint Nektarios of Optina
- Saint Augustine of Hippo
- Saint Arsenie Boca
- Saint Isaac the Syrian
- Simone Weil
- Fr. Brendan Pelphrey
- Saint Ephraim the Syrian
- Saint Isidore of Pelusium
- Nele Weduwen, Postgraduate student at Theology
- Saint Gregory the Theologian
- Saint Dimitri of Rostov
- Joshua Burke
- Dr. Nikolaos Koios, Member of the Editorial Board, Pemptousia, Associate Professor of the University Ecclesiastical Academy of Thessaloniki
- Sofia Matzarioti-Kostara
- Amir Azarvan
- Elder Thaddeus of Vitovnica
- Saint John of Kronstadt
- Saint Amphilochios Makris of Patmos
- Irene Archos
- Saint Joseph the Hesychast
- Gabriel the New Confessor and Fool for Christ
- Fr. Charles Joiner
- Metropolitan Meletios of Nikopolis †
- Maria Sereti
- Fr. Matthew Baker
- Saint John the Damascan
- Saint Porfyrios Kavsolkalyvitis
- Fr. Micah Hirschy
- Archimandrite Dr. Cyril Hovorun
- Keith Massey
- Fr. Chris Metropulos
- Sister Vassa Larin
- Joel Kalvesmaki
- Fr. Athanasios Haros
- Professor Andrew Sharp
- Metropolitan Ignatius of Demetrias
- Fr. Ernesto Obregon
- Fr. Raphael Noica (of Essex)
- Theodoros Boufidis
- Seraphim Danckaert
- Deacon Andrei Psarev
- Rod Dreher
- Fr. Vasile Tudora
- Athenagoras the Athenian
- Monk Vlasios the Athonite
- Dimitra Botsari
- Fr. Pierre Deschamps
- Metropolitan Kallistos Ware of Diokleia
- Antonina Nikolaevna L.
- Fr. Stamatis Skliris
- Fr. Iakovos the Athonite
- Nikos Papadimitriou-Doukas
- Eleni Kefalopoulou, Oenologist
- Eftychia Gioultsi
- Maria Alvanou, Criminologist
- Savvas Alexandrou
- David Steindl-Rast
- Philip Jenkins
- Saint Maximos the Greek
- Stavros S. Fotiou
- Fr. Andreas Agathokleous
- Elder Marcel of Karakallou
- Revd Barnabas Powell
- Dimitris Baltas
- Chrysostomos Hatzilambrou
- Dr. Alexandros K. Kyrou
- Metropolitan Jonah of All America and Canada (OCA)
- Archimandrite Epiphanios Ekonomou
- Saint Maximos the Confessor
- Metropolitan Joseph of Proikonissos
- Colm Luibheid
- George J. Gounaris
- Fr. John Meyendorff
- Metropolitan Panteleimon of Antinoes
- Saint Abba Dorotheos
- Saint Peter the Damascan
- Monk Joseph Dionysiates
- Timotheos, a Priest of Jerusalem
- Metropolitan Nikodemos (Vallindras) of Patras †
- Saint Nil of Sorskij
- Pantelis Paschos, Professor of Theology
- Hieromonk Gregorios
- Hieromonk Georgios M. Thanasou
- Fr. Matthew the Poor
- Archimandrite Symeon Krayiopoulos †
- Stergios Sakkos
- Archimandrite Theodosios Martzoukhos
- Ilias Voulgarakis
- Archimandrite Ananias Koustenis
- Archimandrite Charalambos Vassilopoulos (†)
- Archbishop Theofylaktos of Ochrid
- Alexandros Christodoulou, Theologian
- Saint Nectarios of Pentapolis
- Saint Symeon the Translator
- Tryphon Coustas
- Evagoras Mahaira
- Saint Sophronios of Jerusalem
- George Zaravelas
- Saint Joseph the Confessor
- Archimandrite Daniel G. Aerakis
- Saint Photios the Great, Patriarch of Constantinople
- Bartholomew, Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople
- Saint German, Patriarch of Constantinople
- Saint Theodore the Studite
- Theodore Rokas
- Georgios Papademetropoulos
- Saint Epiphanios Bishop of Konstantia
- Saint Gregory of Nyssa
- Paul, Metropolitan of Aleppo
- Dr. Graham Speake
- Saint Leontios of Neapolis
- Vassilios Fanaras
- Georgios Chr. Efthymios
- Norris J. Chumley, Ph.D.
- Apostolos Glavinas, Professor
- Fr. James Bernstein
- Metropolitan Agathangelos of Fanari
- Eleftherios Balakos
- Fr. Lev Gillet
- Vasileios Khados
- Protopresbyter Lambros Fotopoulos
- Petros Vassiliadis
- Nikolas Berdiaeff
- Kyriacos C. Markides
- Fr. Dumitru Vanca
- James W. Lillie
- Hieromonk Ambrose
- Th. G. Axelos
- Nektarios Thanos
- Chrysostomos Stamoulis
- Archimandrite Georgios Alendas
- Fr. Alexander Schmemann
- Metropolitan Athanasios of Limassol
- Eirini Artemi
- Elder Ephraim in Arizona †
- Symeon, Metropolitan of New Smyrna
- Georgios Patronos, Emeritus Professor of Theology, University of Athens
- Varnavas, Metropolitan of Neapolis and Stavroupolis
- Anthimos, Metropolitan of Alexandroupolis
- Fr. Georgios Tsetsis
- Fotis Kondoglou
- Ioanna Stoufi-Poulimenou
- Athanasios Moustakis
- Ioannis Konidaris
- Protopresbyter Vasileios Georgopoulos, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Theology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
- Stylianos G. Papadopoulos
- Metropolitan Nektarios of Hong Kong and South-East Asia
- Saint Anthimos of Chios
- Sister Sara
- Petros Panayiotopoulos, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Theology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
- Yannis Zervos
- Pedro O. Vega
- Archimandrite Gregorios Κonstantinou
- Katherine Johnson
- Archimandrite Gabriel Dionysiates
- Saint Gregory Palamas
- Archimandrite Athanasios of Stavrovouni
- Protopresbyter Georgios Trapezanlides
- Thomas Talley
- Maria Pazarli
- Basil Anagnostopoulos
- Joan Zairi
- Dr. Charles Malik
- Markos Kampanis
- Demetrios J. Constantelos
- Archbishop Anastasios of Tirana
- Sharon Pelphrey
- Fr. Patrick H. Reardon
- Archpriest Sergei Shukin
- Vladimir Lossky
- Fr. Dimitri Cozby
- Saint Paisios the Athonite
- Saint John Cassian
- George Babiniotis, Professor
- Charalambos Demetriou
- Archimandrite Meletios Stathis
- Panagiotis Panagiotides
- Lambros Skontzos, Theologian
- Demetrios Papazis
- Protopresbyter Vasileios Kalliakmanis, Professor of the Theological School, A.U.Th.
- Hieromonk Stefan of Dečani
- Norman Russell
- Saint Sophrony of Essex
- Konstantinos Holevas, Political Scientist
- Fr. Stanley Harakas
- Nikos Nikoloudis
- George Poulos
- Archbishop Elpidophoros of America
- Constantinos Skouteris
- Soterios Cadas
- Fr. Evelthon Haralambous
- Eva Topping
- Thanasis Hatzimitakos
- Ioannis Foundoulis Professor of the Theological School A. U. Th. †
- Panagiotis Christou
- Archbishop Lazar Puhalo
- Katerina Chouzouri
- Spyros Dafis
- Elder Moisis the Athonite †
- Dr. Nikolaos Koios, Content Coach of Pemptousia
- Elder Cleopa of Romania
- Magnus Frangipani
- Fr. Andrew Phillips, France
- Nicholas N. Afanasiev
- Archpriest George Mitrofanov
- Bradley Nassif, Ph.D.
- Fr. Martin Ritsi
- Virginia Nieuwsma
- Sylvia Leontaritis
- Joseph Magnus Frangipani
- Maria C. Khoury, Ed. D.
- Melinda Johnson
- Archimandrite Meletios Webber
- Fr. Peter Orfanakos
- Jane G. Meyer
- Fr. Johannes L. Jacobse
- William Bush
- Fr. Josiah Trenham
- Elizabeth Mainson
- Dr. Charles Malik
- Fr. Stephen Powley
- Fr. Stephen Freeman
- Fr. John Whiteford
- Dive Ascent
- Fr. David Hudson
- Emma Cazabonne
- Archimandrite Vassilios Papavassiliou
- Bishop Artemy (Radosavlievich)
- Fr. John Parker
- Metropolitan Ierotheos of Nafpaktos and Ayios Vlasios
- Fr. John Garvey
- Deacon James Bryant
- Bev Cooke
- Abbot Tryphon
- Protopresbyter George Metallinos
- Valarie H. Protopapas
- Fr. Michael Gillis
- Fr. John Reeves
- Corinna Delkeskamp-Hayes
- Dr. Constantine Cavarnos
- Fr. John H. Erickson
- Archpriest Gregory Hallam
- Fr. Lawrence R. Farley
- Protopresbyter John Romanides
- Very Rev. Archimandrite Zacharias (Zacharou)
- Elder Iosif Vatopaidinos
- Archimandrite Ephraim, Abbot of the Vatopaidi Monastery
- Bishop Isaiah of Denver
- Clark Carlton, Author, Philosopher and Theologian
- Fr. Theodoros Zisis
- Vincent Rossi
- Seraphim-Bruce Foltz, Professor of philosophy
- Vassilis Dimitriadis
- Konstantinos Nihoritis
- David W T Brattston
- Gale Bellas-Papageorge
- Manolis G. Varvounis, Professor
- Nikos I. Nikolaidis, Professor
- Fr. Dionysios Firfiris
- Nikolaos Metropolitan of Mesogaias and Lavreotikis
- Spyros Kanellopoulos
- Maria Theocharis
- Ioannis E. Tavlakis
- Anna Ballian
- Erich Lamberz
- Frederica Mathewes-Green
- Issac Melton
- Isaiah Bishop of Denver
- Alexander Kariotoglou, Th.D.
- Dimitra Ferousi, Writer
- Nicholas Nikolaidis
- Bruce Foltz, Professor
- Archimandrite Kyrillos, Abbot of the Holy Monastery of Essex
- Archimandrite Georgios Chrysostomou
- Archimandrite Cyril, Abbot of the Monastery of St. David the Elder
- George S. Kroustalakis
- Abbot Georgios Kapsanis of Gregoriou
- Demetrios Mouzakis
- George Arvanitis
- Fr. Michael Kardamakis
- Nikolaos Fyssas, Archaeologist
- Fr. Constantin Coman
- Antonis Tantoulos
- Fr. Cornel Todeasa
- Michael Bressem, Ph.D.
- Archimandrite Cherubim, Founder of the Holy Monastery of the Paraclete
- Metropolitan Nectarios of Argolis
- Hieromonk Gregory, Elder of the Holy Hesychastirion of the Daniilaioi
- Hieromonk Serapion of Simonopetra Monastery †
- Bishop Chrysostom of Rodostolou
- Herman T. Engelhardt
- Monk Chariton of Karoulia
- Anastasios G. Leventis
- Nikolaos Zias
- Efthymios N. Tsigaridas
- Diomidis Myriantheys
- Miltiadis D. Polyviou
- Theocharis N. Pazaras
- Stavros G. Mamaloukos
- Ploutarchos L. Theocharidis
- Georgios Martzelos
- Florin Marinescu
- Ioakeim A. Papaggelos
- Paschalis M. Kitromilidis
- Nikolaos Oikonomidis
- Sarantos Kargakos
- Nestor Matsas
- Dr. Vasileios Hristodoulou
- Christos B. Massalas
- Fr. Konstantinos Karaisaridis
- Christos Zerefos
- Manolis Mitakis
- Georgios Psimenos
- Theano Samara
- Spyros Ntafis
- Dr. Georgios Stathas
- Georgios Kordis
- Vasileios T. Gioultsis
- Saint Dionysius Areopagite
- Dimitrios Z. Sofianos
- Fr. Porphyrios of Simonopetra
- Holy Monastery of St John the Vaptist, Kareas Attikis
- Ioannis Zampartas
- Metropolitan of Pisidia Sotirios †
- Vasileios Stoyiannos, Professor A.U.Th. and Civil Governor of Mount Athos (†)
- Saint John Maximovich
- Vasilis Malisiovas
- Saint Philotheos Kokkinos, Patriarch of Constantinople
- Metropolitan Anthony Bloom †
- Saint Neofytos Recluse
- Saint Nikodimos the Athonite
- Andreas Theodorou
- Georgia Xanthaki-Karamanou
- Eleni Magkou
- Nikolaos Kaltsas
- Maro Alexaki
- Zakia Koutsogianni
- Vasileios Tatakis, Professor Emeritus A. U. Th.
- Fr. Dumitru Stăniloae
- Alexandros N. Tompazis
- Fr. Vasileios Thermos
- Fr. Georgios Florovsky
- Dr. Mihalis Doulgeridis
- Saint Justin Popovich
- Ioanna Papantoniou
- Dr. Spyros I. Kiartzis
- Manolis Vavousis
- Evangelia Kontaki
- † Elder Placide Deseille, Abbot of the Holy Monastery of Saint Anthony the Great in France
- Dr. Konstantinos Satsios
- Panagiotis G. Papathanasopoulos
- Nikolaos Moustakas
- Georgios Zachariadis
- Eleni Glykatzi-Arveler
- Alexandros B. Kosmopoulos
- Kostas E. Tsiropoulos
- Protopresbyter Nikolaos Loudovikos
- Saint Ignatios Brianchaninoff
- Protopresbyter Georgios Metallinos
- Fr. Antonios I. Stylianakis
- Nikos Sideris
- Ioannis Kornarakis, Emeritus Professor of Pastoral Psychology and Confession, University of Athens († 2013)
- Panagiotis Tsaggaris
- Spyros Bazinas
- Saint Basil the Great
- Saint Theophan the Recluse
- Saint Nicholas Velimirovich
- Marios Begzos
- Saint Symeon the New Theologian
- Pavlos Toutouzas
- Saint Cyril of Jerusalem
- Panagiotis Kryfos
- Ioannis Papagiannopoulos
- Saint John Chrysostom
- George Mantzaridis, Professor Emeritus, Theological School, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
- Athanasios Gieftits
- Protopresbyter Nikolaos Loudovikos
- Silviu-Andrei Vlădăreanu
- Christina N. Emmanoyil
- Kriton Chrysochoidis
- Brotherhood of Daniilaioi
- Elder Aimilianos Simonopetritis †
- Saint Ephraim Katounakiotis
- Dr. Thanasis Papadopoulos
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